Playable, but performance during expeditions is subpar
Some text was small but not unreadable
When first starting the game a purple screen with artifacted textures appears, after that no noticeable artifacts. On experimental Proton instead it was a calibration pattern. When I first launched the game it auto set the graphics to so low that I could not even read the text on the main menu buttons
Ran at a perfect 60fps everywhere except on-planet doing explorations, where it would drop down to ~29fps
It seems the performance got degraded over time while playing the game but it was still playable.
PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 %command%
tried Experimental, but failed to launch. Tried Proton GE 7.1 but also failed to get past the final tutorial mission. Reverting to previous proton 6.3 allowed me to play for an hour. Not sure yet if the PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 is usefull.
Game works fine above 100 fps, but when it comes to dialogs\landing to planet - fps drops down to 30-40.
ENABLE_VKBASALT=1 gamemoderun %command%
Some people in reviews says that there are some fps drops even on Windows, so fps drop problem might be raleted to the game itself.