Runs great with enough memory. 16 gig was NOT enough. If you don't have 32 gig then add a BIG swap file, and all will be good.
Flickering on some textures when sunlight hits it.
Locked up HARD after 1 hour (required hard re-boot). Added 10 gig swap file and no problems since.
I'm running native, so calling it a 'tinker' report seems a bit... odd... but I guess this is Protondb and I'm not running proton, so I suppose it makes sense.
Shootergame fails with 'cant allocate memory' errors as soon as I try to move to a different section of the map.
I have over 1000 hours on this game under Windows. I had it running under linux and working well using Lutris, but when I installed some new games with Steam the Lutris version stopped working. I'm trying to get it working again. I switched to native for a bit, but it's so thoroughly squalid an experience that I had to switch back to the SteamPlay version, even if I can't play it right now. I can run the game, see the menu, and load my save. I see what I should see, looks good, and everything is fine and dandy, but I get ShooterGame crashes about an inability to allocate memory every time I try to move to a new map section. So I can happily paddle about in a small area, but as soon I try to travel it crashes. I tried re-installing several times (I'm in the process of re-installing again right now). I have tried removing all mods, I've tried full-screen and windowed. My next attempt will be to try earlier versions of Proton to see if somehow they work better.
I use "saveworld" from the console on occasion to reduce the impact of having to re-start after ALT-F4.
It now crashes only occasionally. Sprinting for long periods increases the chance of crashes.
Some objects (particularly rocks) look weird at a particular distance, then they snap into focus once you get closer.
Crashes now occur more randomly. Usually when I am trying to put things into a storage container.
I tried re-installing for the umpteenth time, using the 'install' button right here on ProtonDB. I let it install totally vanilla. I played it for maybe 10 minutes at first, but it had started up in 'medium' graphics, so I closed the game to re-set the graphics. I put it to 'High' in case 'Elite' would be too much for it. I also switched it from windowed to fullscreen. Since making those graphics changes I have experienced crashes every 15 minutes or so. I could turn the graphics back down, but I really don't want to... Maybe just for experimentation, since I don't know if it was just getting ready to crash when I closed the first short play I had before I changed the graphics.
I've been playing this game for years. Took a break. Now it doesn't work AT ALL. Upgrade 1.8 seems to have broken it.
Tried a crazy startup string that I found on here. No dice. Tried Proton Experimental. No dice.
Mouse pointer needs to be slightly to the bottom right to select things.
Would not run with regular Proton. You could see the menu and try to start a game, then it stops.
Tame and Train killed it. It was running great, then after the update can't play at all. Can't load or start a game.
Tried experimental and current proton. No good.
No problems. It's been perfect.
I had been running Skyrim SE under Lutris then it stopped working after I installed other games. It would claim to be starting, but I wouldn't even get the priliminary splash screen. I had a helluvatime, then I uninstalled and re-installed using the install button and play button on ProtonDB and it's been perfect so far. I didn't have to do anything with FAudio - it just worked. I can start it from Steam and it works. Lovely.
Windowing kept screwing me up - I would latch onto the window and move the window instead of my character. Might be my fault but it's not something that affects me with other games.
When a lot of stuff is going on (lots of building, for instance) it would lag and then just shut down leaving Steam ready to run it again. Clean crash, but still a crash.
Run Riftbreaker config to switch from DirectX12 to DirectX11
Sporadic drop from ~60ish framerate (not displayed) to, like, 10.
I've tried a bunch of different things. Running Proton Experimental with No ESYNC and DX11 has solved virtually every problem. In 14 hours of playing I've had one significant pause where I thought it had crashed, but after 15 or 20 seconds it just started again where it left off. Weird. The 'lag' is the worst thing. Now and then it just slows down to, like, 1/6th of its normal speed. Everything slows down, not just you, so you don't necessarily suffer from it, but it's still not awesome.
Glorious Eggroll Proton-7.0rc2-GE-1
Somewhat random. I can play the game three times in a row with the same settings, and it's all good, then the fourth time it comes up looking like ass with missing textures, weird clipping problems, etc. Log out, log back in, run it again (same settings) and it's all good again.
Most of the time it's good. Included CPU and GPU benchmarks run flawlessly. The game itself slows down very much on occasion.
After playing it a few times it will not be able to start again without logging out and logging back in again (you could re-boot, if you really wanted to, but logging out is enough to fix the problem).
When I run the CPU benchmark program included I get 78.05 avg. FPS, GPU 12.81, and CPU 34.09. When I run the GPU benchmark I get 258.62 FPS with 3.87 GPU and 14.41 CPU. I don't feel that I should be suddenly dropping to, like, 5FPS on occasion, for 10+ seconds at a time. Still, good game.
Proton-6.19-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Keys were not set to default. Probably an issue with the game itself.
It was stable on the menu. I played for a few minutes then crashed. I'm going to keep trying.