Game does not output on half the screen, and crashes on menu.
Either something is screwed up on the wine desktop end, or I am an idiot. I have only applied the proton fixes and nothing worked.
Performance makes this not worthwhile on Deck
Train part of initial level is heavily laggy. Any outdoor part of the levels are laggy no matter the setting. Indoor segments run mostly fine.
Performance is generally unpleasant and is a major turn-off. Even on low it isn't consistent and does not run well.
Attempted resolution fix
No 16:10 default
A great game to get on Steam Deck
The game is heavily controller-based, making it perfect for the Deck. Only thing you might want to change are the controls, but that is relatively easy and based on user preference.
Feels, in some ways, as if it were made for the Deck, with minor hitches.
FSR makes text difficult to read. Disable to fix.
Crashes likely when Deck is put to sleep then re-awakened.
Multiplayer dependent on server connectivity and P2P connectivity, both of which worked fine for me on various networks of varying statistics.
You can experience FPS drops on ground when running Odyssey and inside stations, but nothing major. Putting Deck to sleep when running ED can crash the game when re-awakend. Other than that, a dream to play on.
Other than slightly borked fonts (mainly in CC), works near perfectly.
Occasional stutters, but nothing too major.
Good game that runs and plays well on Deck
Made right track pad more sensitive for more liberal aiming.
Runs well apart from minor hiccups
Slowdowns likely due to amount of enemies or particles. Only an issue during Cyber Grind.
Not very good with a controller but doable. Probably best to connect a M&K at the very least, then you're good to go.
good set of horror games that work well on deck
grip buttons changed for item interaction
Mail.ru Anti-Cheat won't allow for the game to open or work on Linux.
If you really want to play this, best bet is a Windows VM or dual boot.