The game is alright, but I am happy I didn't have any issues with Proton
The game is much harder than it's supposed to , having slowdow in a game that expect quick reactions from players , makes it unplayble.
The game Framerate will randomly tank to the low 10, and get back to normal in 10 seconds after that, during that time period, the physics engine won't work properly and objects and car will behiver wierdly and some times hit boxes don't even exist.
As meantioned above sometimes the physics engine won't work like expected.
No, a driving game with frequent slowdown with a phycis engine that does not working properly would be considered a unplayed experience.
The game Framerate will tank ramdomly, to low 10, and go back to normal 10 seconds after, during that time, the physics engine won't work properly and the car won't behive properly and some objects will miss it's hit box.
As mentioned above the game phycis engine will stop working properly ramdomly.
The game Crashes at the start , you have to turn off steam overlay and if that doesn't work you have to either reset your compter of toggle it on and off mutilple times, closing steam everytime you do it, until you can play it.
some times it took up to 10 minutes to be able to play the game, but it work flawlessly otherwise.
Pre-rendered cutceness lack audio.