Works great out of the box
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
With older Proton and launch options, game works great. With any other version of Proton, game has a stutter issue similar to Chrono Trigger at set intervals every few seconds that is very annoying.
edit launch options with PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
My screen would flicker green a bit during screen changes
Game won't launch without disabling dxvk
Without PROTON_USE_WINED3D the game paused itself every 1-2 seconds while using my controller
Works with keyboard out of the box, works with xbox one controller by adding flag
When using PROTON_USE_WINED3D, the game worked flawlessly. I didn't encounter any problem with a dualshock 4 controller.
The launcher freezes without PROTON_USE_WINED3D
Ran out of the box
Created a red-black flashing border on either side, probably caused by i3wm because the aspect ratio of the game is not quite 16:9
It crashes on startup by default.
It runs flawlessly with "PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%" launch option.
I have no controllers to test with.
Plays more or less perfectly
According to someone on GitHub the pause menu keeps opening when his controller is connected and there's artefacting along the sides of the screen, but it was nothing I noticed. I do not own any controllers to test with so I cannot verify whether it happens for me.
Play with keyboard, not controller.
Artifacting along sides of screen
When a controller is plugged in the game will constantly pause itself.
Perfectly playable as long as no controllers are connected. Graphical artifacts are annoying along sides of the screen but do not get in the way of gameplay.
Works out of the box but the frequent pause menu kills the enjoyment.
Artifacting along the left and right pillar boxes of the screen
Windowed was still fullscreened and the same artifacts were along the edges as well.
Game frequently opens pause menu
Launcher opens fine, but actual game ends in a black fullscreen.
Game launcher appears, the game goes fullscreen but it does not start. It's just a black screen. Yes, I tried with the last version of Proton (4.2) but it's worst.
Disabling Esync does get you a bit further (the launcher disappears and game actually goes fullscreen), but using Wine D3d11 seems to have done nothing. Same goes with disabling D3d11.
Launcher starts momentarily, autolaunches game, but then the game is just a nonfunctional black screen.
run more slowly than the windows version
Doesn't start
Tried to launch a window and crashed immediately. Had to manually kill some processes to get Steam back to a usable state, as well.
run but stay in a black window
Appears to be another issue. Permanent black screen.