testing on my laptop without gpu caused crashing after 5 seconds of playing the game. the launch options "PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%" fixed the issue and the game worked like it should
Works OK
Sometimes the games sticks to the front of the screen and you can't minimize it by alt tabbing
I got the mouse to work by removing the changes that I made to my system's mouse sensitivity config files. Despite the alt tab problems it works fine.
Works perfectly
Works perfect out of the box. No issues for me.
Could not get mouse to work with game
Could not escape from fullscreen with alt+tab on Manjaro Cinnamon
Playing with the mouse was impossible, as soon as you move it no matter what direction your camera immediately forces your view spinning to the ground. Messing with the configurations did not work and I couldn't find a configure file. You can play by mapping look directions to the keyboard but that's not a good experience.
I couldn't notice a water reflection bug like others mentioned. Maybe you could get this game to work with unofficial controller support. I cannot pinpoint the origin of the mouse bug (maybe Cinnamon? idk)
Apart from the glitches, it worked fine, so if you like the game, you should be able to play it.
(Water-)Reflections look bugged (basically like some kind of weird noise). Otherwise it seemed ok.
Alt+Tab leads to crash of the game.
The game launches with no extra options, but fonts in menu are not shown/rendered.
Fonts are not visible in menu, else it is not crashing.
If you use PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE it no longer crashes. I had thought the water looked bad, but it looks like that on windows as well.
It crashs constantly on Loading-Screen. Everytime when the little Square is nearly 75% finished... Oh and i had to disable all the graphics settings to a bare minimum to even get to this point.
PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE gets into the game without crashing, but water textures are messed up
cannot reach maximum configuration
pc freezes - but sound of game is playing
Must lower all graphics settings and choose smallest resolution to load pass first cutscene (graphics can then be set to normal once the game has begun). Water graphics are broken (all water is either black or invisible). Game crashes constantly with no apparent trigger.