With no tinkering and same settings, already runs better than in windows (around 60, as opposed to low 40), mp works fine as host
When running from steam, I chose the option without anticheat (which is the same I run on windows), framerate is much smoother, ocassional stutter (very little) that isn't present on windows but it's worth it in exchange for better performance

Multiplayer don't work after version 3.0
The multiplayer don't work after the 3.0 version. The EAC just don't work.

It played very well on Linux, and the performance almost the same when playing on Windows. At least with my hardwares.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%
Edit file StartGame.bat in "/steamapps/common/Night of the Dead" folder. Change line 'start /d "%~dp0" LF.exe' to 'start LF.exe'.
Sometimes with multiple montor setup, the mouse not functioning well. Need to restart the game if it happened.
It a simple fix, but everytime new update come, probably need to reapply the fix.

I also tested this game on Windows, the performance is not that differ from playing it on Linux, at least using my setup and latest proton.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%
Edit file StartGame.bat in the /steamapps/common/Night of the Dead folder. Change line 'start /d "%~dp0" LF.exe' to 'start LF.exe'. Looks like Wine/Proton having problem to execute start command with /d option. The option does not matter because it still refer to the same directory.
Sometimes mouse not working right if you have multiple monitor setup, need to restart the games.
It's an easy fix, but everytime new updates it will replace back the file, and no guarantee it will work again after that.

After Update on 2.0 it doesn't work at all
The older version of the game 1.3.2 is working perfectly and the multiplayer part, with Proton 7.0-5. After the game update to the latest version the game doesn't even starts. I tried all the Proton versions with no success. I also tried the following options: PROTON_NO_D3D12=1 DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun PROTON_LOG=1 %command% gamemoderun PROTON_LOG=1 %command% PROTON_LOG=1 %command% Nothing works, the game opens a windows terminal and instantly closing down.
It just doesn't open.
Game is not starting
Runs very well even online. Some stutters when buildings pop in but other than that the game run fine.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 obs-gamecapture gamemoderun %command%
I set the graphics to medium. no issues on my system.

The typical gamer would enjoy it. Some issues with indoor lighting scenes, but on the whole it runs well (bar some optimization)
During indoor scenes the lighting goes very dark (darker than it should) making it very difficult to see at certain angles. Shader issue perhaps?
Significant frame stutters upon initial loading of game. Clears up within the first minute.
Crashed at 12minutes and at 7hrs (total game time)

Fixed with: protontricks 1377380 win7
Some issues with display mode on restarting, needs to be reselected.

I did not play the game for much more than 15 min., but that is only because my hardware is on the extreme low end of the recommended hardware. So when I got 2-3 frames per second, I wasn't too terribly surprised. Nevertheless, the game installed and ran with Proton with no apparent problem other than what was directly attributable to my hardware.